BCC Grading System
Grade Percentage | Letter Grade | GPA |
90 – 100 | A | 4.0 |
86 – 89 | A- | 3.5 |
82 – 85 | B+ | 3.25 |
79 – 81 | B | 3.0 |
75 – 78 | B- | 2.50 |
71 – 74 | C+ | 2.25 |
67 – 70 | C | 2.0 |
63 – 66 | C- | 1.5 |
59 – 62 | D+ | 1.25 |
55 – 58 | D | 1.0 |
54 & Below | F | 0 |
Grades Carrying Graduate Credit. are A through C-
Grades Carrying No Graduate Credit. are D+, D, & F
I (incomplete), R (registered), and U (unsatisfactory).
While the credits associated with these grades do not count toward degree requirements, the letter grades are included in the calculation of the grade-point average.
Students at BCC must pay tuition in full to be officially enrolled in the course and receive their term grades.
The grade of (I) is to be used only when a student’s work during a session cannot be completed because of illness, accident, or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. Students who receive the grade of (I) must remove that mark within the first session of registration after the closing date of the session for which it is given; otherwise, the grade becomes an (F). The deadline for submission to the BCC of the Registrar of the instructor’s grade change on an incomplete will be printed in the BCC academic calendar. Courses may not be repeated to remove incompletes; removal of an (I) grade is accomplished only through the completion of the specific work for which the mark is given.