BCC Students who fail to follow the faculty’s submission instructions for an assignment, their grade will be reduced. Assignments are due at the beginning of class, unless the faculty states otherwise. Late submission of assignments is subject to a 10% point deduction for each day up to 3 days. Assignments after the 3 days grace period will not be accepted and will result in a zero grade for that assignment.
BCC final examinations that are listed as the required method of assessment on the course outline are held during BCC’s final examination period. The Final Examination Schedule is posted on BCC’s website at least 3 weeks before the examination period for the Fall or Spring semesters and at least 1½ weeks before the examination period for the Summer session.
Students are responsible for knowing the correct course, day and time of their final exam. Failure to sit a final exam because a student misreads the schedule does not justify a makeup sitting of the exam. In such instances, students receive an ‘F’ grade for the exam.
Students may request an makeup sitting of a final exam if they: were sick on the day of the exam; and can produce medical certification that they were ill and confined to bed on the day of, or at least two days prior to, the exam; or suffered a death in their immediate family (that is, parents, legal guardian, spouse, children, or siblings) on the day of, or the day immediately prior to, the exam.
Makeup sitting exams request must be approved by the office, only verifiable sickness or emergencies will be accepted without a financial penalty.
BCC students must submit a request for a Makeup Sitting of a Final Examination to the office. Following approval of the request, Makeup Sitting exams must be taken no later than the next regularly scheduled examination period. Records Department will place an ‘ME’ on the student’s transcript.
On the basis of prior learning or past experience, students may request a Challenge Exam to demonstrate that they meet the learning objectives of a specific BCC course. Challenge Exams are often similar to Final Exams or Final Projects for the course. Students should apply to sit a Challenge Exam when they are admitted to BCC or to their program of study. Students who sit the Challenge Exam are required to register and pay the course tuition and fees before they are awarded credit for the course. If the course has a prerequisite and the student have not met that requirement, they will have to sit a challenge exam for the prerequisite and all fees will be applied.